Video 6 of 8: Genius Content Marketing Hacks and Blog Ideas

Part 6 of our 8 week blog ideas series should be a topic start that should come easily to you (even if writing doesn’t). It’s something you know a TON about (trust me, you do), and have probably told the story of multiple times, over and over already.

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Video 3 of 8: Genius Content Marketing Hacks and Blog Ideas

We’re back and today in part 3 of our 8 part blogging idea series we've got something to help you get content out when you just don't feel like writing it.

That's right - it's a hack to get maximum impact for minimum effort. Because sometimes you need that in the middle of the week.

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Video 2 of 8: Genius Content Marketing Hacks and Blog Ideas

Didn’t I promise you I’d be back with more genius blog hacks? That’s right - after a brief distraction (we had some really cool stuff going on!) I’m bringing you Video 2 of our 8 part video series with ideas to get those creative juices flowing.

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How to Survive the Holiday Season as a Business Owner

If you can believe it, the holiday season is pretty much upon us. Before you know it, you'll be trying to balance your normal workload with holiday parties, present shopping, wrapping, and family in town.

And while it's so tempting to just take a break from all the social posting, and blogging and marketing work (I mean... let's be honest.. you're audience is busy too), where does that leave you in the New Year?

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How to Show Up When You Just Don't Want To

Hello there! While I know I promised a blog idea series (and don't worry - part 2 IS coming soon) I took a little detour today. Why? Because I just didn't feel like doing the other blog post. Plain and simple! 😂

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Video 1 of 8: Genius Content Marketing Hacks and Blog Ideas

The hardest part about creating new content and blogs is actually coming up with an idea of what to write about.

Picture it: You’ve set aside some time to write your blog. This week you’re going to actually do it! You open up your lap top, click on Microsoft Office, and that white screen pops up. Now that little curser is sitting there blinking at you, waiting for your brilliant words to come spilling out.

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