Taking Awesome Videos on Your IPhone

2020 is going to be the year of the video… again…

We’ve said it before, and we’ll say it again, “If content is King, then video is its crown”.

It is by far the most preferred way to educate, connect with, and relay information to your followers.

With the continued popularity of Live video, most of us are trying to create video content as quickly and as often as possible.

With most of us shooting these on our iPhones, it’s all about how we can up the quality of these recordings to showcase our message in the most professional light.

So, I’m throwing back to one of my top viewed videos. In it I’m showing you one of my favorite tools (that I’m a little embarrassed to admit it took me so long to find), and showing you how I use it to make shooting prerecorded, or even live Facebook videos easier.

Some times the best tips are the simplest, and that’s what this weeks blog is about.