The REAL Inspirational Quotes You Need to Hear Right Now

Our entire lives are take over by it. Our businesses are shut down, our kids are out of school, and our minds are trying to grasp on to some kind of normalcy throughout the day-to-day evolution of events.

Things are hard right now for everyone. Things are especially hard for business owners struggling to pivot their businesses in this time of crisis. Where do you go next? Are you doing the right thing? Why does it seem like everyone else is getting so much done during this time, while you’re struggling to find time to put out a social post?

It’s this last question that is the killer for most entrepreneurs. Under normal circumstances we are constantly comparing ourselves to other’s success. Are we working hard enough? Are we “doing” enough? Are we successful enough?

If you’ve scrolled through Facebook at all these past few weeks (and I bet you have) you’ve no doubt run into your share of “inspirational quotes”. Entrepreneurs love to post inspiring things like:

"Some people dream of success, while other people get up every day and make it happen.” - Wayne Huizenga

“Comfort is the enemy of achievement” - Farrah Grey

“Every accomplishment starts with the decision to try” - Unknown

“You have the same amount of hours in a day as Beyonce” - Unkown

And while I, like everyone else, love a good inspiration quote, in these days of sacrificing business hours to a 2 year old who is out of daycare, they never fail to make me feel like I didn’t try hard enough today. They make me second guess my choice to do a puzzle with my daughter, instead of building a new sales funnel. Or beat myself up for going to bed at a reasonable hour instead of staying up late to finish that blog post.

But here’s the deal - self care, family and taking care of your household are all important things for a balanced life. Choosing (or being forced to participate in) these things doesn’t mean you don’t care about your business or strive for success. It means that you have a rich, fulfilling life that sometimes takes your attention away from your career - and that’s OK.

So, I propose we introduce a new type of inspiration into our lives. Quotes that acknowledge the uncertainty and strangeness we’re all experiencing right now. Quotes that comfort and lift up, instead of shame and guilt. Quotes that acknowledge we are good enough, trying hard enough, and doing exactly what we need to do during these time - survive.

“Sometimes it’s OK if the only thing you did today is breath” - Yumi Sakugawa

Sometimes it’s OK if the only thing you did today is breath.png

“It’s going to be OK in the end. If it’s not OK, it’s not the end.” - Anonymous

_It’s going to be OK in the end. If it’s not OK, it’s not the end._.png

“You don’t have to be perfect to inspire other people. Let them be inspired by the way you deal with your struggles, your heartaches, and your imperfections.” - Unknown

“You don’t have to be perfect to inspire other people. Let them be inspired by the way you deal with your struggles, your heartaches, and your imperfections.”.png

“You can do anything. But not everything” - David Allen

“You can do anything. But not everything”.png

“Everyday is a new beginning. Take a deep breath, smile, and start over.” - Unknown

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