COVID19 Update and Small Business Resources

At Hub Digital we are very lucky to be able to continue to work while staying safe at home.

While we may be delayed slightly in responding (especially during the waking hours of a particular 2 year old...) we are conducting business as usual (or as usual as we can be during these strange times).

We've been spending most of the past week helping our clients adjust to the ever changing circumstances, and coming up with creative solutions and messaging to deal with closures, loss of business, and changes to how we, as a society, are interacting.

We understand that some of those impacted the most during these times will be small business owners, especially those with businesses that require in-person contact.

We want to do our part to help. Throughout the rest of March we will be offering a FREE 45 minute Digital Strategy Session to any business owner looking for help during these times.

These sessions can be used to:

  • Help craft messaging to your customers regarding closures/new policies.

  • Brainstorm alternative, revenue driving streams of income.

  • Create content to continue to engage clients and customers or provide information/resources during this time off.

  • Put together a plan to quickly drive sales and revenue again once bans have been lifted and the threat has passed.

  • Any other ideas/strategy/planning that you have been struggling with.

There will be no sales pitch and no requirement to sign on with us following these calls. This is simply your time to pick our brains and connect with a partner in business through all this.

As small business owners it is our job to support one another and build each other up through all of this. While times may seem uncertain and overwhelming, we hope that everyone can find moments of peace and comfort and we stay committed to doing whatever we can to help promote that.

To book your free strategy session click here: