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Content isn't going anywhere

I recently read an article about the future of digital marketing agencies in a post pandemic world. It’s no surprise that being stuck at home during quarantine greatly increased digital behaviors. In Q2 last year, app downloads alone increased 31.7%.

For digital marketers, the increase in online usage means more opportunities to reach potential customers. However, the year in lock down has not only created more users, it’s created smarter ones.

Consumers are being inundated more than ever these days with marketing messages online. That means they are becoming more disconcerting over the ones that catch their attention. They’re choosing to ignore traditional ads (Google ad click thru rates dropped 41% at the beginning of the pandemic), and instead are gravitating towards brands that connect with them on a personal level.

Now, we’ve written about this topic before (Click here if you need tips on content creation). The brands that are going to survive are the brands that have a very strong knowledge of their target market, and create content specific to them.

Social stories and posts, blogs and video content should feel like it’s talking directly to them. No longer can brands put out generic messages and throw money at ads to catch people in their net. For every purchase the consumer now has endless choices, so they will be spending time narrowing their selection down to the brand that seems to fit them the best.

Moral of the story? Content isn’t going anywhere. In fact, for many it means doubling down on content efforts and tailoring them even more to their saavy audience.

Need help defining your brand and creating content? Hub Digital can help! Contact us to learn more about what we can do to help grow your brand in 2021.