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Snow Day Business To-Do's

Snow days, sick days, Covid closure days. It’s only February 2nd and we’ve all experienced our fair share of those already. With at least 6 more weeks of winter ahead of us (thanks Punxsutawney Phil) , and delays in vaccine rollouts, we're bound to see many more.

For some of us, work is work, whether at home or in an office. If that is you, then keep on keeping on my friend. However, if you’re one of the many that a snow or closure day means your normal schedule has gone out the window, then the time at home can seem unproductive.

In addition, coming off of a year of closures, it may seem impossible to figure out how fill your time being stuck at home any longer.

Today I’ve got a list of things you can do to help further your business so your time at home feels more productive.

Stock up on content - The #1 reason people claim they don’t blog? Lack of time. Well guess what? You have plenty of it now. Take a day and knock out a few blogs, recorded video content, and schedule social posts. While it may seem tedious, think of the relief you’ll feel when you don’t have to try to squeeze it in at the end of each day.

Brush up on your knowledge - You know that Instagram class or sales workshop you purchased months ago but haven’t had the time to dive into yet? Here’s your chance to not only take it, but begin to implement the things you learned. Advancing your business is always a good use of your time.

Follow up on old leads - Almost all of us have those leads that never panned out. Whether that is a proposal that got passed on, or customers who carted things but never checked out. Now is the time to run through and follow up. Send personalized emails and revised proposals, or consider offering a discount for those who are on the verge of purchasing.

Redo your website - Many of us have gone through multiple iterations of our websites. As brands evolve, styles do as well. You don’t have to live with something that no longer satisfies you or represents your brand. Or if there’s something that bugs you about your current website provider, start researching other ones and see if there is a better fit out there.

Update your social media presence - In the busy day-to-day, most of us are singularly focused on posting to social media, and aren’t thinking about things like our profile information, banner images, hours of operation, etc. Most of us fill out the information when creating the profile, but forget to update it as things change. Take some time review all your social profiles and update your information, add a new banner/profile picture, and ensure your contact info is up-to-date.