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How “Authentic” Should you Be on Social Media?

Social Media has given all of us an unique insight into the lives of our friends and family members. In addition, being able to be in constant contact with businesses has lead us to learn more about the people behind the brand than we ever have before.

Communities and groups of likeminded buyers now have places to come to together to talk directly with owners and managers about what they like, what they don’t like, and what they’d like to see more of.

The addition of FACEBOOK Live and Instagram Stories has led to even more “behind-the-scene” availability. Now customers have instant video connection to learn things like how products are made, new releases, first looks at sales, and what’s going on at the company’s office.

So with all this access, it can often leave business owners wonder how much is too much? How much should you be sharing with potential clients/customers, and when do you draw the line?

What is your comfort level?

There’s really no hard and fast rule when it comes to the type of information you share. It really comes down to what you’re comfortable with. Some people love sharing photos of their kids, while other’s shy away from it. Some people find solace by reaching out to their communities when they have a question or are going through a tough time, while other’s prefer to keep it to themselves.

I’m a big proponent of stretching yourself slightly beyond your comfort zone, without pushing it too far. Audiences are craving connection, so don’t shy away from sharing parts of your personal life that you’re ok with random strangers knowing. But, if something truly makes you cringe then don’t post it. Pushing past your boundaries isn’t being authentic to yourself or to your business.

Don’t be an oversharer

And I’m not talking about the type of content here, I’m talking about the amount. Back in the day, social media for businesses was all about posting as much as possible. But what that did was create a lot of noise. With all the posting going on, it’s now become really hard for buyers or potential clients to cut through and find real connection.

My rule when it comes to posting on social media is, “less is more”. Don’t force a post for the sake of posting. Push out content that is relevant and valuable to those who are reading it. Post with the intent to connect, educate or entertain.

Create your own “insider” community

With the creation of FACEBOOK groups, you now can create private communities of your top fans and followers. These communities often feel like much safer places to share content as those that are reading it are limited to usually your most loyal followers.

Creating your own group can be a great way to give your most VIP clients VIP access, while helping those who are skirmish about sharing feel more comfortable.

By letting your social media following into your world, you can create clients and customers that are primed to become brand champions. Just be sure you’re posting stuff that feels good to you, and isn’t trying to be “too real” because you feel the pressure to.