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The (FREE) SEO Tool You Need to Kick Off 2020

With the new year right around the corner, us entrepreneurs start turning our attention to new goals and more growth, and the tools we need to get there. We all love analytics and reports. We like to have benchmarks and comparisons to know where we stand. We need to know if what we’re doing is making an impact towards reaching our goals and taking our business to the next level. While tracking keywords and website visits in Search Console and Google Analytics are great ways to see what's happening in search, it can be hard to tell how you're website is really doing.

When trying to improve your ranking in search, following best practices like creating keyword rich content, and filling out your meta data are pretty good ways to do it. However, are you doing all this and still struggling to get to page one? There could be other factors on your website that are impacting you. How can you figure out what those factors are?

Enter my favorite, and completely free, tool It's completely free (have I mentioned it's free, yet?), doesn't even require signing up, and gives you a super comprehensive report on what is happening on your website. It even ranks it's suggestions so you know what to tackle first, and what can wait for another day.

Check out the video below to get my walk through of this tool and breakdown of what the reports look like - and then head on over and enter your website to get your own!

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