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How to Vertically Record Your Computer Screen For Mobile

With the launch of IGTV, and the increased popularity of Live videos on social media platforms, we are consuming more and more content on our phones and tablets. So, what does this mean for content creators and business owners looking to connect with their audiences? It means we have to shoot things mobile first. Mobile first, most importantly, means shooting in a vertical format. Studies show that a majority of people prefer to watch videos on their phone vertically, because it's how we naturally hold our phone to make calls, text, or browse social media. While that's easy to do on your phone (duh, it's a mobile device). It can be more difficult to do that on your computer.

If you're like me, a lot of times I like to use my computer to record myself (it's much more steady than trying to hold my phone, think and talk all at the same time), or record my computer screen. Often, I talk over slides or an internet browser to better showcase the strategy or technique I'm teaching about. What I've realized though is the horizontal format of our computer screens does not translate well on mobile phones.

So, after a little bit of research I figured out how to successfully rotate my computer screen so I can still screen record what I'm doing in a more professional way, and it is SO much easier to view on a phone. Check out the video below (shot vertically of course), to get my step-by-step instructions on how to do it!

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For more quick tips and tricks like this, be sure to follow me on Instagram (@hubdigitalmktg) and check out my IGTV station!