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What is Everyone's Obsession With Live Streaming?

Between Google Hangout, Periscope and Facebook Live, it seems like everyone, and their mother, is live streaming. Celebrities are live streaming out at clubs and business owners are live streaming networking events. Being able to broadcast, in live time, what is happening around you, is giving brands, and the people behind them, the ability to connect with their audiences immediately in a way they never have before. Potential clients and customers instantly feel connected to whatever you're doing, even if they're 3,000 miles away.

Today we're breaking down the pros and cons of livestreaming to find out what everyone is freaking out about.

Let's start with the potential bad parts:


  • Copyright laws - Music playing in the background, and branded images on ads are everywhere. Even though you're not doing it intentionally, it can be difficult as a business owners to make sure your content is strictly your own and to avoid the legal ramifications of copyright laws.
  • Quality - While cell phone cameras are getting better and better, they still don't live up the high quality HD we're used to. Brands that normally produce high quality video may find the lower quality of live streaming a hinderance to their brand image.
  • The "Live" Factor - As we all know with live TV, ANYTHING can happen. Unlike live TV, there isn't a 5 second delay and someone sitting there with a buzzer. If something gets out of control, it can't be edited, and it can do some serious damage.

That being said, with great risk can sometimes come great reward. Let's explore the pro's.


  • Get Closer Than Ever Before - Live streaming allows you to connect and grow close with your audience like you've never been able to before. Pre recorded video or content will never be able to do that.
  • Timeliness - You can't get any more timely than the exact moment something is happening. Live streaming concerts, sports or other events can allow you to interact with your audience in a way that is extremely engaging and relevant.
  • Exclusivity - Giving your consumers an inside look into something, in live time, makes your audience feel like they're part of the "in-crowd". Unlike pre-recorded video, if you're not there for the live-stream, you can't go back and watch it later, making the content extra special and desirable.
  • It's Free - With a Facebook, Google or Periscope account, a brand can post FREE content for their consumers. This makes viewers happy, as well as increases the likelihood of them sharing and promoting your video stream and brand.