6 Ways to Grow Your Email List

Now that we know that email marketing is ESSENTIAL to your marketing plan (and if you don’t, go back and read my previous post!). Now comes the dilemma that a lot of business owner’s face. How do I grow my email list so I have people to market to?

Today we’re breaking down some of my favorite techniques to get more engaged email subscribers, and we’re going to do it in a way that is authentic and doesn't feel slimy or salesy.

  1. Encourage current subscribers to share - Adding social share or “email to a friend” buttons can be a super simple way to get more subscribers. Giving your current subscribers an easy way to share content means you can get in front of their networks.

  2. Give away something free - This is probably the most effective way to add subscribers quickly. By offering a coupon code, discount, or even a freebie in exchange for someone’s email, you can bolster your list pretty substantially. If coupons aren’t your style, or aren't getting you the traction you’re looking for, think outside the box. Putting together a cool white page, PDF, or instructional/inspirational video series can be a great way add people to your list who are really interested in hearing from you.

  3. Create bonus content - Just because you’ve been writing a blog (as you should per our June discussion…) it doesn’t mean that you have to give away ALL your content on your website. Create bonus content based off of your blog post and encourage readers to subscribe to get it.

  4. Utilize your social media - Create a cool contest or give-a-way that requires contestants to submit their email address to enter and promote it on social. Especially if you already have a following, it’s a great tool to bring those followers over to your list. While you're at it, utilize your social channels to promote some of that gated content (that we talk about in #3), and drive more traffic to them.

  5. Find a partner - Search around for a complimenting business, blogger or influencer to help promote your brand. You can run a joint promotion, contest or give-a-way that can help increase both of your lists. This is also a great way to increase social media following and just general traffic.

  6. Go old school - If you’re a retail business or have a physical location, set up a notebook or pad and pen on your countertop. It's easy to collect email addresses from online sales, but often times we forget to ask in stores. Have a little set up and encourage who ever is working the register at the time to collect the email addresses of everyone as they check out. If you’re a service based business, you can still apply this strategy by collecting emails at networking events and expos.

If you stay consistent with your list growth strategies you will start to see some serious growth over time. The goal of this is also to see an increase in subscribers who are engaged and excited to hear from you each and every time.

And don’t forget, it’s email marketing month inside The Hub - the online marketing membership program geared towards helping you grow your business online! Get instant access to even more trainings and masterclasses to help you up your email marketing game for only $1!