Do I Really HAVE to Blog? Short Answer: YES!

Ahhh blog. The “4 letter” word that can strike fear in the heart of many business owners. You open up that word document to that big, blank, white page and see that cursor just sitting there, blinking. All of a sudden your mind goes blank, and you have no idea what to write about.

Creating content for your blog or social media sites can be a daunting task. With so many other things you have to do on a daily basis to run your business, posting to a blog can seem like the absolutely last thing on your list. You may even be thinking to yourself, “Why would I bother writing a  blog anyways?”

Here’s the deal, for those of us that aren’t fans of writing (or being in front of a video camera), putting together a blog or vlog (that’s right! You don’t just have to write it!) can seem like a daunting task. But whether you type it up, or film it from your iPhone, a blog can be super valuable for driving more sales to your store. Let’s break it down a little.

  1. It boosts your SEO - When it comes to ranking higher in Google searches, blogging is the #1 way to do it. Part of Google’s algorithm ranks websites based on how much recent content has been posted, and if the keywords in it match someones search. Writing, or creating video blogs, gives you the opportunity to add fresh content all the time, and add tons of keywords to your site. Increasing your SEO means more organic traffic (and more shoppers) headed to your website!

  2. It connects you with your customers - While customers will always love a good sale, sometimes you may not have anything going on. Or maybe you notice your email open rates, or social media engagement, going down because the only time you reach out to them is when you’re pitching them to buy something. A blog is a great way to create content that can connect with your customers, and get them talking about your brand in a unique way. Creating content around top trends, upcoming new product launches, and style ideas can get your audience excited and ready to shop.

  3. It makes you the expert in your industry -  People like to buy from brands that they trust. Creating a blog filled with great tips, advice and information builds that trust with potential customers. Not only are they more likely to buy, but they are more likely to become brand champions, promoting you to their family and friends.

  4. It makes you shareable - Getting in people’s newsfeeds is getting harder and harder these days. And only posting about selling your products isn’t going to cut it anymore. Blogs are a great way to get your name out there and shared among people who may not be in your current network.

But here’s the deal, don’t feel like you have to commit to a single format that you’re super uncomfortable with. Don’t like writing? It’s all good, put together a vlog instead! What’s important is that you’re creating value for your customers. Creating content is one of the most cost effective things you can do to grow your business. Don’t shy away from it, and watch how traffic and engagement grow!