Our Favorite Business Beach Reads (That Aren't Lame)

A couple times per year we get an inkling for a good book. Especially when the warm weather rolls around, we start looking for something to give us a break from the day to day drudge. Something to inspire us. And something that makes us want to push a little bit harder, or work just a little bit more. But, also, not too lame and "self helpy", as nothing is sure to turn us off faster than "Chicken Soup for the Business Owner's Soul"...

As the summer weather is around the corner, today we’re bringing you some of our favorite business beach reads. Because while we all love to zone out with a trashy magazine, sometimes even down time has to be productive. And as a small business owner or entrepreneur, you know that just because the weather warms up, that doesn't mean your free time magically expands (does this mean we don't get summer Fridays?!). But while they may still be business focused, we may have forgotten to mention, that everything on this list will not only inspire you, but entertain you as well. No guilty "down time" here!

So whether you’ve grabbed a day by the beach, or have a couple of minutes before hopping into bed, check out our list of our current favorite reads, sure to get you excited to work the summer away. Ok, maybe “excited” was a little too much…

1. "The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck: A Counterintuitive Approach to Living the Good Life" by Mark Manson. Inspired by a blog post that went viral, this read is not for those easily offended by the f-word. If you’re like us, and this word is a part of your daily vocabulary, then we urge you to dive head first into it. Hysterically funny, while offering up some sage advice, this book isn’t afraid to tell it like it is. Despite the dismissive title, the focus of the book centers around the idea of learning what is really worth focusing on (and what isn’t worth giving a f*ck about). By letting go of things that aren’t worth your time and energy (like adversity, people who suck your energy, or what other people think about you) you open up the space to actually be productive and happy. Oh, and keep an eye out for everybody’s least favorite superhero, Disappointment Panda, who tells you the cold hard truths about yourself, whether or not you want to hear it.

Oh, and bonus with this one? Subscribe to Mark's blog for monthly inspiration told in his own, unique style.

2. "Get Over Your Damn Self: The No-BS Blueprint to Building a Life-Changing Business" by Romi Neustadt. Are you catching a theme here? Romi, like our previous author, uses humor and a no-BS style to bring you a full start to finish blueprint to rocking your business. While you don't have to be a network marketer to enjoy the tips, it does focus mainly to how to build a team and push your way to the top (without feeling sorry about it). If you're ready to stop making excuses and start moving forward in your business, Romi gives you a literal step-by-step guide on what changes you need make, and how you can make them. If you have any fears or anxiety keeping you from moving forward in your business, this book is sure to kick them in and give you the pep talk you need to "get over your damn self".

3. "#GIRLBOSS" by Sophia Amoruso.  #GIRLBOSS is written by one of our most favorite "girl bosses", Sophia Amoruso, who is the former Founder and CEO for "Nasty Gal", a $100+ Million dollar fashion retailer. By telling her own journey from dumpster diver to corporate butt kicker, this book is less "self help" and more subtle inspiration. Sometimes hearing about someone else's windy and long journey to the top is just what we need to refocus our own perspective on what amazing things we've accomplished already. While Sophis isn't your traditional "superhero", she offers a fresh perspective on succeeding, failing, and continuing to pick yourself up again until you've reached where you want to be.