Stop Writing Lame Blogs

We've all been guilty of it. We've been told that we have to create content for SEO, marketing or advertising purposes so we've forced ourselves to write a blog post. It usually begins by sitting in front of our computers only to be distracted by Pinterest before typing the first sentence.

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Do I Really HAVE to Blog? Short Answer: YES!

Ahhh blog. The “4 letter” word that can strike fear in the heart of many business owners. You open up that word document to that big, blank, white page and see that cursor just sitting there, blinking. All of a sudden your mind goes blank, and you have no idea what to write about.

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Google My Business - The "Other" Social Media Outlet?

With the big news that Google is shutting down Google+ over the next few months, it seems like Businesses are back to using giants Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Pinterest. While Google+ never really took off in the first place, many businesses are left wondering how (and if) this change will impact their business.

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How to Leverage Social Media Backlinks for SEO

Depending on who you follow, you may hear conflicting opinions on the importance of social media backlinks and how it plays into SEO. Some marketers believe it has no impact, and other’s believe it is imperative to an SEO strategy. So, where do I stand in all of this? I’d say, decidedly in the middle. Let me explain.

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Changes are coming to Facebook... Again...

It’s almost become a joke among marketers and business owners, what changes is Facebook going to announce this year? It seems like the New Year brings a new announcement from the social media giant, who seem to be perpetually rolling out changes that seem mostly geared towards business presence, ad sales, and curating content for its members.

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Continuing Education for Business Owners and Entrepreneurs

Time tends to go by extremely quickly when you're in the trenches of running your own business. The day-to-day tasks of a small business can be overwhelming and take up most of your day. By the time you have a minute to reflect, a month has gone by and you've done nothing but tread water! The world is changing, marketing is changing, and best practices are changing, and you're left wondering how you can possibly fit more into your day

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How to Take Awesome Videos on Your IPhone

Some times the best tips are the simplest, and that’s what this weeks blog is about.

With the video craze beating down upon us, we’ve all be trying to create video content as quickly, and as often as possible. With most of us shooting these on our iPhones, it’s all about how we can up the quality of these recordings to showcase our message in the most professional light.

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