5 SEO Myths You May Be Wasting Your Time On

There is a TON of misinformation out there about digital marketing in general, and SEO in particular. Because Search Engine Optimization is something that a lot of people don't understand (or choose not), are overwhelmed by, or can't keep up with, it's often something that is easily misrepresented by "experts".

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Facebook for Business in 2019

Even if you’ve pushed against it, all business owners have somehow been exposed to Facebook and it’s power to advertise and promote your business. You’ve probably also heard about the massive changes that the New Year seems to bring to the platform and how businesses can take advantage of it.

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8 Digital Marketing Trends to Watch in 2019

Tis’ the season for all the marketing experts out there to start making predictions for 2019. They’ve waded through the craziness that was 2018 (and a crazy year it was… cough… Facebook… cough), analyzed what happened, and used that information to try to see what is going to be important in the year to come.

There’s A LOT of information out there - so, instead of making our own list this year, we’ve read through some of the more reputable sources, and pulled out what is, in our opinion, the most impactful predictions, specifically for small businesses. We’re comparing it to what we’ve seen happening in our world, and what we believe will be what shapes 2019 in the world of marketing.

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How to Rank on Google's First Page: An Interview with Neil Patel

Ok, so maybe this isn’t me interviewing Neil Patel… although, can you image how cool that would be!? What I’m sharing with you today is an interview Neil gave where he answered one of probably the most asked/most elusive question, “How can I get my website to rank on the first page of Google”.

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How to Get Your Audience to Hear You When They're Not Listening

Sometimes it feels like you’re talking and talking and no one is listening (please tell me that I’m not the only one!). You spend so much time and energy planning amazing video content to use in blogs, on your Facebook profile, and in your advertisements. You record, rerecord. and probably rerecord again, until it’s perfect (or as perfect as it’s going to get). You upload, hit publish and… it feels like you’re talking to a brick wall.

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Video 8 of 8: Genius Content Marketing Hacks and Blog Ideas

It’s the final installment of our 8 week video blog idea series, and we’re ending it up with something timely to the season.

That’s right, it’s all about playing up the season, time of year, or things that are happening in the world around you. But, how can you relate it back to your business? I’m giving you a few real life examples of how you can take your business and make it relevant to the time of year.

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